Cancellation of item(s) in an order happens immediately if the order hasn't been shipped yet by the seller. If your order has been shipped, it will be cancelled as soon as the courier service confirms that the shipment is being returned to the seller. Orders from certain categories cannot be cancelled after 24 hours, please check the product page for more details.
Cancellation fee will be applied or charged only if an eligible order is cancelled after 24 hours of placing.
The reason is to compensate for the time and effort incurred in processing the order by the seller. Also, to compensate our logistics partner for incurring a cost when they ship the order, if the order is shipped. Note: Customer can find this information under the order details by logging into his/her Cancellation fee will be applied or charged only if an eligible order is cancelled after 24 hours of placing.
The reason is to compensate for the time and effort incurred in processing the order by the seller. Also, to compensate our logistics partner for incurring a cost when they ship the order, if the order is shipped. Note: Customer can find this information under the order details by logging into his/her Varthaali account.
No, once an order is placed the specification of the product can not be modified.
A greyed-out and disabled 'Cancel' button can mean any one of the following:
1. The item has been delivered already OR
2. The item is non-refundable (e.g. Inner Wears)
During pick-up, your product will be checked for the following conditions:
Correct Product
IMEI/ name/ image/ brand/ serial number/ article number/ bar code should match and MRP tag should be undetached and clearly visible.
Complete Product
All in-the-box accessories (like remote control, starter kits, instruction manuals, chargers, headphones, etc.), freebies and combos (if any) should be present.
Unused Product
The product should be unused, unwashed, unsoiled, without any stains and with non-tampered quality check seals/ warranty seals (wherever applicable). Before returning a Mobile/ Laptop/ Tablet, the device should be formatted and Screen Lock (Pin, Pattern or Fingerprint) must be disabled. iCloud lock must be disabled and iCloud deactivation done for Apple devices.
Undamaged Product
The product (including SIM trays/ charging port/ headphone port, back-panel etc.) should be undamaged and without any scratches, dents, tears or holes.
Undamaged Packaging
Product's original packaging/ box should be undamaged.
The field executive may refuse to accept the return if any of the above conditions are not met.
For any products for which a refund is to be given, the refund will be processed once the returned product has been received by the seller.
If the pin code of the new address is serviceable for pick-up, the address can be changed while creating the return. The address cannot be changed in case the new address is not serviceable.
Yes. You can schedule the pickup date based on your convenience.
When pickup facility is not available for your location as per the courier service providers, you may be asked to ship the item back to the seller. Since the seller can arrange for a refund or a replacement only after the item reaches them, please make sure that the item is sent to the address mentioned in the return-related email within 30 days of the email being sent to you.
The seller may not be able to proceed with the return request if the item does not reach the specified address within 30 days.
It usually takes 24 hrs of time for the pickup status to get updated in the system, post which a refund is processed from the seller end.
In case of cash on delivery, you will have to provide a bank account number for the refund.
For replacement/exchange, you will be given an alternate product for the returned product.
You can now track the status of your return easily right from your Varhaali account or mobile app. Just visit the 'My Orders' page to see its status along with the date of pick-up and status of your refund if applicable.
You will also receive an email & SMS with the details of your return.
If your return requests are significantly higher than most customers, a return fee will apply to your order. This is levied to compensate sellers for the huge losses they incur as part of each return request. In case of an issue with the item, you can choose to exchange or replace it instead of returning it to avoid these fees. For more details, you can check the return policy.
Please note return fees cannot be waived off
The return request may get rejected from the seller during the process of the request validation. For more details, please refer to the communications via SMS/Email you would have received when your return request was rejected or reach out to The return request may get rejected from the seller during the process of the request validation. For more details, please refer to the communications via SMS/Email you would have received when your return request was rejected or reach out to The return request may get rejected from the seller during the process of the request validation. For more details, please refer to the communications via SMS/Email you would have received when your return request was rejected or reach out to Varthaali.
This may be due to:
a) Your product being already out of the return policy period
b) The product belongs to the no returns category. For more details, kindly check the product policy details on the product page
The availability of Cash on Delivery option depends on factors like the delivery pin code, type of products etc.
Please enter your pin code on the product page to check if COD is available at your location. If this option is available for your pin code, you can shop for products
You can choose to pay for your order on Varhaali with any Visa, MasterCard or Maestro Debit Card.
Online payments are monitored by our systems for any suspicious activity and some transactions are verified through extensive checks if we find that they are not authorized by the owner of the card. When we're not able to rule fraud out in rare cases, the transaction is kept on hold and we ask the shopper to share relevant proofs. This is done to make sure that the transaction is genuine and authorized.
If you have received a mail from us confirming your refund request, it means that the refund has been initiated. You can also contact your bank with the refund reference (ARN)/UTR number you would have received for an update on the status of your refund.
The different modes of refund available are:
Payment mode: Cash on Delivery
1. UPI (Amount less than Rs 1000) - Refund will be processed to the UPI account for which UPI ID has to be shared
2. Bank account (IMPS/NEFT) - Refund will be processed to bank account for which bank details have to be shared
Payment mode: Prepaid
1. Back to source - Refund will be processed to the payment mode(Debit/Credit card, NEFT, UPI) used to pay for the order
To log into the Varhaali mobile app, update your mobile number from your Varthaali account on our website with these simples steps:
1. Go to My Account › Settings › Update Email/Mobile
2. Add your mobile number
3. Enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number
4. Select 'Save Changes'
As the verification step is a one time process, you won't have to do it again once your account is verified.
Yes. To reactivate your Yes. To reactivate your Varhaali account, simply log in with your registered email ID or mobile number/password combination used before deactivation. Your account data will be fully restored, default subscription settings applied account, simply log in with your registered email ID or mobile number/password combination used before deactivation. Your account data will be fully restored, default subscription settings applied.
You can contact our Customer Support team with the details and we will get in touch with the courier service provider to resolve your complaint.
Courier services usually take upto 24 hours to activate tracking for an order once it's shipped. Please check again after the mentioned time frame.
The courier service delivering your order are responsible for making sure that your order reaches you within the delivery date. Rest assured, you'll get an SMS once your shipment is out for delivery.
Orders will be delivered by the date you see on the product page for your location.
As per company policy, a shipment can't be opened before delivery, but you can accept the shipment and get in touch with us later in case you have any concerns.
Sellers usually ship orders 1-2 business days before the delivery date so that they reach you on time. In case your order hasn't been shipped within this time please contact our Customer Support so that we can look into it.
you can track your order and its movement easily from our app or website. The delivery date you see after the order confirmation is provided is based on factors like your address, the seller's address and the time needed by couriers to process and ship your order. Due to these factors, they do not have the option to change the delivery date and have it reach you earlier.
Once your order is ‘Out for delivery’,you will get the delivery executive details by visiting the Orders section of your Varthaali account.
You can modify the existing delivery contact number or add an alternate one with these simple steps: -
- Go to Orders
- Select the desired 'Order'
- Scroll down and go to shipping details tab and tap 'Edit' (Pen) option next to the phone number
The delivery address for your order can be changed depending on its status. Please check Orders > Order Details for the below:
Approved/Processing: If this is your order status,then you can change the address through your Varthaali Portal and app.
Shipped: Only text change in your address will be possible. Pincode cannot be changed at this stage.
Delivered: As the item would have already been delivered,the address change will not be possible.